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Inter-Library Loans

The Interlibrary Loan service enables the sourcing of books that the Library does not own but which are held by other Italian libraries

For Library users (students, teachers and staff)

  • Number requested
    up to 3 books at a time; with the arrival of one book, other requests can be made
  • By request
    Using MyBiblio  (Brief guide to MyBiblio ) of the catalogue BiblioUPO 
  • Costs​ The service is free. Any fees requested by the supplier libraries are the responsibility of the user.
  • Timing and collection
    The times for receiving documents may vary according to the times of the lending libraries and postal services (on average 15 days). The collection of the requested book must be made at the Library desk. The duration of the book loan (about 30 days) and the conditions are established by the lending library. To collect the books, make an appointment via MyBiblio.

For Libraries

The service is free and reciprocal. InterLibrary Loan requests can be sent via email: , or via ILLSBN or the specific Sebina form. Inter-Library partners can make a request for interlibrary loans, sending the appropriate Sebina form.


Contact details: Inter-Library Loans (ILL), timetable from: 9.15am -12pm; 2pm to 3pm

Contact person: Stefania Albanese,  tel.: 0321-375562


Last modified 21 July 2022

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