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ICDL (International Computer Driving Licence)

This certifies the possession of IT skills (basic or advanced) through the administration of exams whose syllabus is defined at international level. The ICDL is a digital certificate issued to students who pass the exams (according to level of certification taken).

For more information, visit the official ICDL website.


ICDL ADVANCED (Office 2016/2019)

Since 2019, DiSEI has offered students the chance to take the ICDL Advanced Exam with particular focus on Spreadsheets, a skill which is necessary for students undertaking a Master’s degree programme.  To take the advanced exam, contact

Information on the exam syllabus



The ICDL Update is necessary for registering the ICDL exam on your transcript if your ECDL diploma dates back to before 01/01/2011. Also, it allows you to “update” a diploma taken according to an earlier syllabus. Exam sessions are activated on request by students. The Full Standard Update allows you to update an expired Full Standard diploma.

The DIGITALI ICDL diplomas are sent by email to your official university email address , usually within 4 months.

Confirm receipt of the diploma by replying to the email and save the file.

For more information, write to




Tabella Software suite ATLAS in Simulazione.pdf
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