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Individual Study Plans

In this page you can find information on how to present your individual study plan. If you already completed and presented this last year, you now have the chance to change it if required.

If you have any doubts about the procedure for completing the online study plan, you can request assistance by contacting the Teaching and Student Services Office - Study Plan HelpDesk (2nd floor) at the following times:

every MONDAY from 9.00 to 11.00 in the INFO201 laboratory

starting from Monday 24 October 2022 and for the entire opening period of the online study plan compilation procedure

or by sending a report via UPO Risponde, citing Segreteria Studenti Studi per l’Economia e l’Impresa (DISEI) in the "Choose topic or recipient" space and in Study Plans in the space "Topic of problem"

Information cards