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About Us

Welcome to our department!

The Department of Economics and Business Studies (DISEI) is one of the seven departments that constitute the Università del Piemonte Orientale, officially founded in 1998 but active since the early 1990s.

The department is located in Novara at the former Perrone barracks, a building from the second half of the nineteenth century which was renovated in 2000-2001 to satisfy the joint requirements of practicality as a modern and efficient university with the preservation of original structural and decorative features.
We offer unrestricted admission to courses in Business Economics; Tourism Promotion and Management; Administration of Profession and People Studies; Management and Finance; Law.

Since 2013-2014, we also operate in Alessandria with a course in Business Economics and, in partnership with DiGSPES, a single-cycle Master’s Degree programme in Law (open only to previously-enrolled students).
Our courses prepare you for a number of professional fields, including: professional and consultancy services; book-keeping and external auditing; roles in companies of finance, commerce, industry, net economy and services; areas of marketing, finance, administration, management assessment, organisation and human resources; promoter and agent of local tourism development; management of tourism companies; international tour guide; professional roles in the sector of business consultancy, company auditing and accountancy; risk management; finance; marketing; business development; management and development of human resources; specialised roles in management of property; freelance work in the financial sector.
We promote international training, encouraging and incentivising exchange trips for students (Erasmus and Free Mover schemes) and teachers.

Key features

It is our role and mission to offer you top-quality education and training, and what you learn comes directly from the most up-to-date research activity of our teachers who are also researchers.

You will find a student-friendly environment, which contributes greatly to the quality of teaching activity, student services, graduates and social relationships. In fact, an excellent student/teacher ratio prevents the impersonal approach often found in many bigger organisations.

You will study in a historic building that will soon become a university campus complete with canteen, residential accommodation, sports centres, green areas and parking, which is easy to reach by train or bus.

You will have access to equipped classrooms with the best technological systems, language and IT labs, and areas for individual study.
You can have access to a library with books and periodicals available for onsite reference (open shelf) and also online or off-site through the loan system. You can also enjoy the many available resources online, a tutoring system and online teaching, equipped IT labs and language labs, seminars and conferences.

You can complete your degree earlier. Half of all students enrolled on a 3-year degree course at Piemonte Orientale graduate earlier than the standard time (the average in Turin is 33%, in Milan Statale 39%). Over 61% of all students enrolled on a Master’s degree course graduates according to schedule (the average in Turin is 16%, in Milan Statale 38%).

(Source: National Register of Students, years 2011-2012, 2012-2013)

You will find a job more easily. Graduates from our Department find a job more easily, even in these difficult times. According to an Almalaurea survey on Graduate Employment Status, employment rates for Master’s graduates from our department 3 years after leaving university is 90.1% as compared with the national average of 81.2%.


Research Activity involves all our teachers, researchers, PhD candidates and research fellows. There are numerous research projects in all disciplines, listed in the ‘Research’ section of this website.
Our Department is ranked among the best for Economics in Italy. The annual survey by CENSIS of public universities in our country places us in the highest band of the ranking.
This result recognises the hard work and efforts made to translate our research activity into effective training and educational paths, which allow you to enter the labour market more quickly and more satisfactorily.



  • Around 3,000 students enrolled on courses
  • Over 60 tenured teachers and researchers, and 15 contracted teachers
  • 3 Bachelor’s degrees (3-year)
  • 2 Master’s degrees
  • 1 single-cycle Master’s degree
  • Over 100 taught modules
  • 40 international cooperation agreements
  • 53 Erasmus agreements Europe-wide
  • Numerous extra-curricular activities
  • And: IT labs, multimedia labs, library, and a high level of digitalisation to enhance teaching and administrative practices.

These are the figures which make our Department a high-level yet student-friendly educational institute.