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Students, technical-administrative staff and teaching staff at the University, can access the loan system in the following method:

Students identity document and a document certifying enrolment in the current academic year for students; identity document for staff
Exam texts (ETs) 3 volumes for 20 days. Texts of the EN section 3 volumes for 20 days, it is possible to renew the loan.
 Local loan
Students presenting thesis identity document, document certifying enrolment in the current academic year and declaration signed by the supervisor Exam texts (ET) 3 volumes for 20 days; Texts of the EN section 6 volumes for 30 days; it is possible to renew the loan. Local loan, services of ILL and DD
Subject experts, Non-permanent teachers Identity document Exam texts (ETs) 3 volumes for 20 days; Texts of the EN section 6 volumes for 90 days; it is possible to renew the loan. Local loan, services of ILL and DD
Teachers, researchers, PhD candidates, fellows, grant holders, technical-administrative staff Identity document Exam texts (ETs) 3 volumes for 20 days; Texts of the EN section 6 volumes for 90 days; it is possible to renew the loan. Local loan, services of ILL and DD

External students can request loans on the following conditions:

Students of Advanced Training courses organised by the Department Identity document and document certifying enrolment on Advanced Training course  The same as students preparing thesis  Local loans, ILL and DD services
Students and teachers belonging to ESSPER and BESS libraries

Identity document and certification of enrollment for the current academic year.

Semester duration; same as students graduating; Local loan
Students and teachers from other universities or research centres Identity document + card from a university library + surety from a professor from the Department of Economics and Business Studies + visa from the Head of the Library Semester duration, same as students  Local loan

What you can borrow

All volumes owned by the library can be borrowed, with the exception of periodicals, reference works (encyclopedias, dictionaries, codices, atlases, etc.), copies of exam texts marked with the RED stamp, or any other publication that the Management deems necessary to limit to on-site consultation. Those who cannot borrow books directly can use Delega Online to delegate other people to collect books.


How to renew the loan

It is possible to renew the loan either by going to the library in person, by telephone (0321-375560 / 562) or by e-mail (( For volumes marked with the GREEN sticker (= exam texts) the loan cannot be renewed: the reader must return the volumes and can take them back after 48 hours.

Penalty conditions

For the entire duration of the loan, the user is responsible for the material lent, and is required to return it in the same conditions in which he received it and within the established deadlines. Any damage to the volumes received on loan or loss entail the obligation to reimburse the damage. In the event of a delay in the repayment of a loan, the Library will provide a telephone or e-mail reminder. Failure to reply to the reminder involves automatic suspension of the user from Library services. The period of suspension from the loan corresponds to 15 fixed days to which one additional day of suspension is added for each day of delay in returning the books. Please note that failure to return a volume owned by the Library constitutes the crime of embezzlement (Article 646 of the Criminal Code).

Last modified 21 July 2022