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Laboratory on Customer Over-indebtedness

This laboratory focusing on the consumer crisis sets out to create a meeting point for academic studies on the subject of over-indebtedness and consumer discharge of debt, along with professional who deal with these issues in their daily activity: lawyers and crisis managers, but also representatives of civil society and institutions engaged in the fight against gambling addiction and usury, and in promoting the protection of economically vulnerable individuals.

Alongside this aim of being a trait d'union between universities and territories, the laboratory wants to establish itself as a place to develop proposals for homogeneous and harmonious solutions at European level, which are able to regulate cases of over-indebtedness by consumers due to debts incurred in different countries.

The Laboratory aims in particular to:

  • promote interdisciplinary research collaboration on the subject of consumer over-indebtedness
  • organise seminars and training meetings on the subject of consumer over-indebtedness with local associations
  • organise comparative research initiatives on the subject of protection of over-indebted consumers
  • promote interdisciplinary didactic pathways
  • promote participatory processes for the construction of knowledge with the cultural, associative, professional and administrative organisations of the territory.

Principle Investigator: Prof.ssa Bianca Gardella Tedeschi
Managers: Avv. Alessandro Curletti and Avv. Chiara Cracolici 

Scientific Committee: Prof. Bianca Gardella Tedeschi, Prof. Andrea Ballancin, Avv. Chiara Cracolici, Avv. Alessandro Curletti, Prof. Alessandra Faraudello, Prof. Guglielmo Giordanengo, Prof. Alessandro Monteverde, Prof. Patrizia Riva, Prof. Marina Spiotta and Dott. Fabrizio Sudiero.

Founded in May 2019, the Laboratory has organised the following advanced training courses:

  • Advanced training and refresher course for crisis managers, organized in collaboration with the Vercelli Bar Association and the IUSEFOR Training Agency
  • Advanced training and refresher course for crisis managers. The procedures for settling the crisis between present and future, from law no. 3 of 2012 to Legislative Decree 14/2019 (code of business crisis and insolvency), organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Castellamonte and the IUSEFOR Training Agency and accredited by ODCEC Turin and the Ivrea Bar Association.
  • Training and refresher course on the subject of business crisis and insolvency - pursuant to Art. 356 paragraph II CCII, organised in collaboration with the Crisis Centre - Centre for Interdepartmental Business Research, Over-indebtedness and Insolvency (established within the University of Turin), EUTEKNE and the IUSEFOR Training Agency (for more information, visit the webpage in the Higher Education Section).
  • Participated in the Over-indebtedness and countering usury project: a bridge between universities and high schools  

For information:

Prof. Bianca Gardella Tedeschi, email: 

Last modified 20 July 2022