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State Exams 2023

State Exams 2023

As part of the measures to be implemented for health safety in relation to the contrast and containment of the COVID-19 virus (notwithstanding the provisions in force, as established by the MUR with Ministerial Ordinance 470, dated 17/05/2023) for the first and second session 2023 the State exam will consist of a single oral test carried out remotely. The aforementioned oral exam will focus on all the subjects envisaged by the specific regulations in order to ascertain the acquisition of knowledge, notions and skills required by each individual professional profile.

The deadlines and procedures for submitting the application and for carrying out the test are published in the State Exams section on the University website at the following

Eligible candidates:


external auditors_admitted to test

Chartered accountants_admitted to test

accounting professionals_admitted to test



Qualified accounting professional
Qualified chartered accountants


Declaration_online test_E.S..pdf
Documento PDF - 75.34 KB
Guidelines_E.S.2023_online test.pdf
Documento PDF - 210.09 KB

Last modified 1 September 2023