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Tourism Management and Marketing - TUR 23/24

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2023/2024

Membership structure

The course

The degree course aims to transmit knowledge and skills to interpret and represent tourism phenomena, and to evaluate the related effects on economic, socio-cultural and natural environments; it is aimed at developing skills relating to the use of the main IT and telematic tools for the promotion and organisation of activities, as well as promoting an in-depth cultural knowledge the territorial context in relation to institutional and managerial elements.
The degree course has been designed to respond to demand within the tourism sector, as well as to contribute to raising the general level of professionalisation and university training of future workers. It is the result of the 'reclassification' and 'readjustment' of a course already activated in the department with the same name and which, in the last four years, has made use of funding provided (through participation in a tender) by the regional directive for work-oriented degrees.

As part of this initiative, the monitoring carried out (also through the contribution of a Steering Committee made up of private and public operators) has demonstrated how the market and public institutions are expressing a real training demand in the sector of tourism marketing, and territorial and corporate management; the contributions offered by the Committee have also made it possible to include updates, technical references and exercises in the training course which are sometimes underestimated by the scientific literature yet are constantly appearing in practice (of travel and hospitality planning and management, business management and institutions, design of the tourism offer, etc.).
The degree course in Tourism Management and Marketing is part of category L-15, the group of degrees in Tourism Sciences.The degree course pursues the educational objectives of the class to which it belongs. In compliance with the M.D. which regulates the three-year degree classes, those enrolled in the aforementioned course must:
- possess an adequate knowledge of the basic economic, geographical, anthropological and sociological disciplines, as well as of the cultural and legal subjects pertaining to the sectoral interdependencies of the tourism market         

- possess a good command of social and economic research methods, and at least part of the technologies specific to the various sectors of application, with skills relating to the measurement, collection and processing of data pertinent to social analysis
- have relevant knowledge of the organisational culture of working contexts, which ensures applicative skills and enables working in a multi-purpose way in companies and administrations of the sector                                                         

- acquire the disciplinary methods in techniques of marketing and use of cultural assets and activities                                                                                                

- be able to place the specific knowledge acquired in the more general cultural, economic and social context, be it at local, national or supranational level;
- be able to effectively use, in written and oral form, at least two languages of the European Union (in addition to Italian) in the specific area of competence and for the exchange of general information                                                                          

- possess adequate skills and tools suitable for communication and information management. In particular, the degree course in Tourism Management and Marketing aims to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to:
- know how to interpret and represent tourist phenomena, the constraints and opportunities offered by the territories in which the activities can be established, and the effects that those activities have on the economic, socio-cultural and natural environments                                                                                               

- acquire in-depth knowledge of the tourist context of the region in which they will operate, with particular reference to cultural destinations, accommodation organisation, and the institutional and managerial structure of the territory
- know how to use the main IT and telematic tools useful for the promotion of tourist activities, the organisation of trips and itineraries, and the organisation of the territory in which these activities are located                                                   

- acquire appropriate skills for the organisation and management of scientific, cultural and sporting events and exhibitions at both local, national and international level
- possess necessary knowledge and tools for communication and information management, in the specific field of competence.

For the purposes indicated, the degree course in Tourism Management and Marketing includes:
1) general training activities aimed at equipping the student with knowledge in the economic, quantitative, legal and linguistic fields, necessary to enter the job market

2) a professional learning area of tourism topics, structured as follows:
- activities aimed at acquiring fundamental knowledge in the various fields of geography and environmental/cultural evolution applied to tourism, and other pertinent analytical disciplines, connecting the various knowledge within a coherent system of theoretical knowledge and operational skills
- training activities in the sector of tourism techniques and market analysis, in the management of tourist companies, as well as in the organisation and planning of the territory and its cultural and environmental resources                                     

- external activities in relation to specific training objectives, such as training internships at local authorities and tourist companies (including foreign ones), companies and public administrations, as well as study stays at other Italian and foreign universities, also within the framework of university agreements.

The degree course includes two learning areas: a generic one aimed at equipping the student with knowledge in the economic, quantitative, legal and linguistic fields, necessary for entering the job market; and a socio-territorial and managerial area structured in the sector of tourism techniques and market analysis, as well as in the organisation and planning of the territory and its cultural and environmental resources.
The running of the courses (explained in the Academic Regulations of the degree course) is entrusted to professors of the Department of Economics and Business Studies, with solid experience of teaching activities and university training in the disciplines related to the study plan. In this regard, it should be remembered that, through the activity of these teachers, uninterrupted research activity has been underway for years on tourism issues, supported through PRIN projects which are of interest to the EU, with research funding offered by banking foundations and through the carrying out of consultancy and investigation activities for local and regional administrations. In this context, the activation of company spin-offs has also sprung up, which include teachers and new graduates in their teams, as well as the job-placement activity and assistance to internships carried out at tour operators and tourist companies operating on international and intercontinental scale.

Key features

  • Particular attention to emerging professions in the tourism sector
  • Teaching oriented towards highly professionalising objectives and contents
  • Close collaboration with sector stakeholders for internships, testimonials, didactic integrations
  • Opportunity to undertake Erasmus and Free-Mover programmes

Employment opportunities

Graduates will be able to carry out professional activities related to tourism: promoter and agent of local tourism development, programmer and manager of tourist territories, manager of tourist service companies, tour operator, international tourist guide, organiser of congresses and other events.

Employment opportunities and professional activities envisaged by the degree course are in various fields, such as tourism, the organisation of social activities compatible with the environment, tourist communication for traditional and multimedia publishing markets and in the press offices of institutions/companies in the sector.

Furthermore, graduates will be able to continue their studies with a master's degree.

For the employment percentages of graduates, see the tables published annually by Alma Laurea.


Course organisation

To register/enrol


Student representatives


Need more information?

  • For information on Teachers and Office hours: UPObook
  • To contact the Student Secretariat: UPOrisponde
  • To talk directly with someone at the Secretariat (for more complex issues): UPOriceve
  • Assistance/services for students with physical/learning disabilities: UPOrisponde
  • For careers guidance and information on job placements and internships:

A complete list of contacts can be found here.



DiSEI and Erasmus partnerships

  • Belgium: Vives (Kortrijk), Mons.
  • Czech Republic: VSEM (Prague). 
  • Denmark: VIA University (Horsens). 
  • France: Lille 1, Savoy, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. 
  • Germany: Regensburg, Trier.
  •  Latvia: Banku (Riga). 
  • Greece: Pireaus (Egaleo), Kavala. 
  • Lithuania: Kaunas. 
  • Malta: Msida. 
  • Portugal: Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Leiria, Tomar, Viseu. 
  • Spain: Central de Cataluna (Barcelona), Girona, Malaga, Jaén, La Laguna (Tenerife), "Pablo de Olavide" (Seville), Santiago de Compostela. 
  • Hungary: Sopron.


Course Quality Assurance

Last modified 24 June 2024