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Law – Master’s (only first and second year)

Course Type Single cycle Master’s degree

Academic year 2023/2024

Membership structure

The course

The Master's Degree in Law aims to provide students with the preparation, methodologies and cultural and scientific skills necessary for the achievement of a high level of legal knowledge in its various articulations and related economic subjects. In the five years of study, the basic and characterising subjects of the Degree in Law are accompanied by numerous topics from the economics and business area, in a harmonious and synergistic relationship, aimed at enabling students to acquire a transversal and interdisciplinary training, which promotes entry into the professional world, thanks to a broader preparation than that of a graduate from a 'traditional' Law course. The Master’s in Law graduates will therefore be able (in the working environments in which they will operate) not only to deal with and resolve legal issues and problems of the most varied nature, but also to deal appropriately and consciously with implications of an economic nature with increasingly nowadays face the jurist.

There are many types of professional opportunities for Master’s graduates in Law: in addition to the 'classic' jobs of lawyers, notaries and the judiciary – in ordinary, administrative and accounting areas - managerial functions in the private corporate sector (legal offices and human resources offices), the so-called 'Third sector', the public administration – central, regional and local – trade union organisations, international and community institutions, diplomatic careers. The skills acquired thanks to the study of economic disciplines open up job prospects with managerial and responsibility roles in private and public companies of various sizes and in the most diverse areas of the production of goods, services and financial activities and, more generally, in all those working areas where the skills of analysis and legal and economic evaluation are fundamental.

The Master’s course also allows graduates who want to further refine their knowledge in the economic field to enrol in the Master's Degree course in Business Administration and Auditing activated at DISEI and obtain the degree after one year: in this case, with six years of study, the student will be able to obtain two master's degrees.

The educational path of the Master's Degree in Law aims to provide students with the preparation, methodologies and cultural and scientific skills necessary for the achievement of a high level of knowledge of legal knowledge in its various articulations and related economics. This result, obtained through a harmonious and organic reconciliation between the subjects studied in the various years of the course, presupposes the acquisition of transversal skills in the juridical and economic areas, the acquisition of critical and judgmental skills, in order to apply what has been learned to concrete situations, the ability to express oneself effectively in written and oral communication, and which allow original ideas to be elaborated and applied in professional and scientific research contexts.

The specific educational objectives of the Master's Degree in Law are: the acquisition of basic Italian, European and international legal culture, also through the use of case-study techniques and methodologies, in relation to topics useful for understanding and evaluating of principles and institutes of positive law, with particular attention to the implications of an economic nature; the in-depth study of historical-legal and philosophical knowledge that allows the institutions of positive law to be considered in an evolutionary and comparative perspective which is essential for the achievement of a high-level legal culture; the acquisition of the ability to process legal texts (regulatory, negotiating, procedural), correct, clear, pertinent and effective in relation to the contexts of employment, rationally argued, also with the use of IT tools; the acquisition of interpretative skills, of case law and jurisprudential analysis, of legal qualification, of understanding, of representation, of evaluation and of awareness to face problems of interpretation and application of the law, even when these intersect and/or overlap with problems of economic character; knowledge of production techniques and processes.
In this perspective, over the course of five years, the student will take exams both in the economics and business areas, which will provide a grounding suitable for approaching the various problems concerning the organisation and management of the company, with knowledge of the subjects pertaining to these profiles, as well as exams in the economic-political area, which provide knowledge relating to the functioning of markets and public intervention. The fact that the Master's Degree in Law (LMG) is based in the Department of Economics and Business Studies (DISEI) allows students to participate in all the activities and use all the services set up for students of Economics degree courses, such as tutoring, shared internships and other initiatives.
Thus, Master’s in Law graduates, in addition to the skills set out in the table of the LMG/01 category, will acquire the additional skills listed below: methodological and theoretical skills related to issues concerning the relationship between information technology and law and, more generally, analysis of the functioning of complex information-regulatory systems and issues concerning the protection of privacy; understanding of the phenomena that govern the use of information technology in companies, public administrations and society; advanced knowledge of theories and national and international legislation on local authorities and land administration; regulatory and economic knowledge of the labour market and the organisation and management of human resources; specific legal skills for the agri-food sector; skills related to the application of statistical models in the private and public legal fields; knowledge of the motivations, tools and effects of public intervention in the economy; skills relating to the multiple implications of an economic-business nature concerning the organisational and managerial profiles of the company, as regards both the accounting and financial statements aspects, the organisation of work and human resources, as well as company strategies and policies and company crisis monitoring and resolution; skills concerning the mechanisms of interaction between companies and markets and between regulatory interventions in economic matters and the organisation and management of the company; skills relating to regulatory interventions in the field of health economics, environmental policy, economics of regulation and competition; knowledge of economic geography and international markets.

Key features

  • Innovative training path
  • interdisciplinary course attentive to economic-business profiles;
  • possibility of obtaining a double degree with only one additional year (5 years+1) by enrolling in the Master's Degree course in Business Administration and Human Resource Management at the same DISEI Department: after a six-year university course, the student will be able to acquire two degrees masters, in law and in economics;
  • participation in the Erasmus and Free-Mover programs for international mobility.


Employment opportunities

Graduates in Law are experts in law and related economic subjects; the legal training is enriched, implemented and completed by preparation in the economic field which allows the graduate to consider problems, issues and various profiles pertaining to a wide range of professional activities from a dual perspective. The professional frameworks are closely related to the training acquired: legal professions (judiciary, lawyers, notaries); jobs in international and European bodies; career in public administration; career in local, national and international medium and large companies, with managerial and administrative roles, especially in the banking, insurance and finance sectors; third sector; teaching, academic career and role in research institutes.


Course organisation

To register/enrol


Student Representatives


Need more information?

  • For information on Teachers and Office hours: UPObook
  • To contact the Student Secretariat: UPOrisponde
  • To talk directly with someone at the Secretariat (for more complex issues): UPOriceve
  • Assistance/services for students with physical/learning disabilities: UPOrisponde
  • For careers guidance and information on job placements and internships:

A complete list of contacts can be found here.



DiSEI and Erasmus partnerships

  • Belgium: Vives (Kortrijk), Mons
  • Czech Republic: VSEM (Prague)
  • Denmark: VIA University (Horsens)
  • France: Lille 1, Savoy
  • Germany: Regensburg, Trier
  • Latvia: Banku (Riga)
  • Greece: Pireaus (Egaleo), Kavala
  • Lithuania: Kaunas
  • Malta: Msida
  • Portugal: Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Leiria, Tomar, Viseu
  • Spain: Central de Cataluna (Barcelona), Girona, Malaga, Jaén, La Laguna (Tenerife), "Pablo de Olavide" (Seville), Santiago de Compostela
  • Hungary: Sopron.


Course Quality Assurance

Last modified 24 June 2024