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Computer Rooms

Computer Rooms

There are five computer rooms currently available for use at the Department.

InfoS01 – Basement floor
Windows 10
Microsoft Office 2019 Pro,  GoogleEarth, gvSig, Matlab, Minitab,  R, RStudio, Anaconda Framework, QGis
Computer Room INFOS01 is generally reserved for those preparing their thesis, and students. A Tutor is always on hand for assistance to users during opening hours.

Info 101  (hosts 12 students + 1 teacher)
. Windows 10 Professional 64bit
. Microsoft Office 2019 Pro, GoogleEarth, gvSig, Matlab, Minitab, R, RStudio, Anaconda Framework, QGis

Info102  Aula Baccara (hosts 24 students + 1 teacher):
Windows 10
Microsoft Office 2019 Pro, VMWare Player, GoogleEarth, gvSig, Matlab, Minitab, Stata12, R, RStudio, Anaconda Framework, QGis

Info202 (hosts 24 students + 3 teachers):
Windows 10  Professional 64bit + docente
Microsoft Office 2016 Pro, VMWare Player, GoogleEarth, GvSIG, MapWindow, QuantumGIS, R, Rstudio, Matlab, NAV2016 (in VM), ATLAS, AICE for ICDL exams, R/R studio, Odoo, Python, Pycharm

Info201 (hosts 12 students + 1 teacher):
Sistema Operativo Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Microsoft Office 2019 Pro, GoogleEarth, gvSig, Matlab, Minitab, R, RStudio, Anaconda Framework, QGis


These classrooms are mainly used for didactic activities. Upon request, when free, they are open for use to students preparing the thesis, departmental students  and advanced training students. An ICDL Certified Test Center is active in the Department.



Timetable AULA INFO 202

Timetable AULA BACCARA (ex INFO 102)

Timetable AULA INFO 201

Please check the timetable each working week.


How to reserve the computer rooms for lessons

Lessons that fall within the Official Calendar are already programmed by the admin office. However, teachers must contact the Laboratory to:

* check the actual presence of the software in the classroom you intend to use. Software installations are generally carried out in the summer period

* list any other needs

Please notify us promptly of any cancellations or changes of date.

If, on the other hand, you intend to book a classroom for a lesson that is NOT included in the official calendar, you must:

* contact the Laboratory and send a request indicating the relative dates and times. Please send the complete calendar of the lessons to be held in the classroom. The Laboratory will assign a classroom based on availability and the number of students. Please notify us promptly of any cancellations or changes of date. A reservation without a confirmation email from the Laboratory should not be considered as approved

* make arrangements for the software to be used

* list any other needs

Please note that there are two large classrooms (Info102 and 202) with 24 PCs + teacher pc (max 50 people), two small ones (Info101 and 201) 12 PCs + teacher pc (max 25 people).

Please ensure that students turn off their PCs at the end of the lessons.

N.B.: please note that it is not possible to install software for which you do not have a regular license, or on a number of machines greater than the number of licenses available.

Last modified 19 July 2022