Final exams and thesis
Starting from the July 2022 summer session, applications to graduate may only be presented online for all Bachelor and Master degree courses, according to the procedures indicated in the attachment to the "Student Manual with instructions for the online application".
Law students will also submit their application online, in compliance with the deadlines indicated on the DIGSPES website
The general deadlines provided remain unchanged except for unforeseen events regarding the current health crisis, which will be communicated via email or published on the websites.
In this section we offer you guidance and information on the forms and deadlines to be met in order to complete your studies. The dates indicated must be respected; as dates have been established by the Department Council, applications beyond the established deadlines cannot be accepted.
After completing the online application, taxes to the amount of two revenue stamps of 16.00 euros are charged on the Student portal, for the presentation of the graduation application and issue of the parchment, to be paid within 5 days.
For the summer session, the dates are as follows:
22 July Bachelor degrees
25 July Degree in Administration, Profession and Control
26 and 27 July Management and Finance degrees
28 July Law degrees
29 July Awarding of graduates with Bachelor degrees
Bachelor Degrees: there is no viva, either face-to-face or online; the final grade will be published on the DISEI website at the bottom of this page within the week following the end of the graduation session
Master's degrees: the commission for evaluation of the final exam meets in person with the candidate. At the end of the interview, the supervisor proposes the awarding of a mark and the commission deliberates. Once the resolution is concluded, the chairman announces the grade. The announcement takes place in person.
Students must attach the "Online booklet submission form" to their online application, adding any courses they have passed that are not yet visible on their transcript
The following deadlines must be met:
• No later than 4th July 2022 for summer session July 2022
Students who have not finished the internship by the deadline for delivery of the university booklet can attach the booklet by the set deadline and register the internship later, but no later than the Tuesday before the week that the graduation session starts. It is advisable to attach the booklet immediately after taking the last exam and in any case no later than the deadline; requests for extensions are not accepted.
PRESENTATION OF THE THESIS (for students registered on four-year Master’s courses)
The following deadlines must be met:
• No later than 18 October 2021, for autumn session Nov 2021
• No later than 21 March 2022, for extraordinary session Apr 2022
• No later than 11 July 2022, summer session July 2022
The thesis is to be presented in PDF and not in paper format, according to the following procedure:
• The title must correspond perfectly to the one deposited; it can be modified using the appropriate "Graduating students' forms" below, within the deadline for submitting the thesis.
• A copy of the thesis in PDF format must be sent to the e-mail address of the student secretariat (, copying in the supervisor. Sending a copy to the supervisor is valid as the latter's signature on the copy of the thesis. The speaker has five days from the time of sending to forward any justifications. As a final act of the graduation application submission procedure, the thesis must be attached in PDF format; if the format exceeds 5MB, it is necessary to divide the thesis into several PDF files.
It is mandatory to deposit a copy of the thesis in the library in PDF format together with a declaration relating to authorisation for consultation. For further information, consult the website
PRESENTATION OF WORK (for students enrolled on Bachelor degree programmes)
To complete the graduation application submission procedure, a PDF of the title page only (not the entire thesis) must be attached while, with at least 8 days' notice prior to the start of the graduation session, the prospective graduate sends the final thesis by email to the supervisor.
If you cannot attend the defence of the thesis, you are required to communicate this UPO Risponde | Ateneo - UPO ( to the Student Admin Office.
For the next graduation session, you will have to re-submit the graduation application by paying € 16.00 for the revenue stamp.
This is a database that facilitates entry into the world of work. In full respect of privacy, Almalaurea is made available for consultation only to the world of work and personnel selection; the questionnaire must be completed, and receipt of completion attached together with the degree application even if you do not authorise the data processing.
The procedure:
1) Access the student portal website, Homepage of public area, Università di UNIPMN (
2) Login
3) Reserved Area
4) Degree
5) Registration Almalaurea
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Last modified 20 July 2022