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Business Economics - CLEA 23/24

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2023/2024

Membership structure

The Course

The degree course aims to create expert professional figures in the fields of Administration, Finance, Control, Human Resources Management and Marketing. It is also aimed at developing the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out professional activities in companies, banks and other financial intermediaries, public and non-profit companies, public administrations, auditing and management consultancy firms, as well as the development of knowledge necessary for the exercise of the professions of accountant and statutory auditor. Its objective is to train business economists who are able to understand the functioning of the economic system as a whole and the interactions between businesses, businesses and markets, and between economic policy interventions and business decisions. The degree programme sets out to teach students:
- methods of analysis and critical interpretation of the structures and dynamics of business management, through the acquisition of the necessary skills relating to several disciplinary areas: business, economic, legal and quantitative

- methods of analysis and critical interpretation of the economic system as a whole and specifically of its financial structure

- relevant knowledge of business disciplines, the fundamental nucleus of this course, broken down into functional areas and classes of companies in the various sectors

- mental approach and sensitivity necessary to occupy managerial positions consistent with the professionalism/specialisations required by the world of work.

Key features

  • Interdisciplinary approach, necessary to understand company dynamics
  • Active teaching with extensive use of exercises, case studies, role playing, business plans, problem solving
  • Soft skill courses: negotiation skills, teamworking, presentation skills, collaborative business tools
  • Opportunity to undertake Erasmus and Free-Mover programmes
  • Reduction of practice time and elimination of the 1st test of the State exam as an Accounting Expert


Employment opportunities

Internal positions in financial, commercial, industrial, net economy and services companies, in the functional areas of marketing, finance, administration, management control, organisation and personnel management. Internal positions in study offices and research centres, professional consultancy activities, internal positions in public institutions and companies with particular attention to the local public services sector and the cultural heritage sector; internal positions in non-profit institutions and international bodies; entrepreneurial and consultancy activities in various sectors including those concerning art and culture; professions of accountancy expert and statutory auditor, after an internship, according to the provisions of the law envisaged for access to professional registers.

Organisation of course

To register/enrol


Student Representatives


Need more information?

  • For information on Teachers and Office hours: UPObook
  • To contact the Student Secretariat: UPOrisponde
  • To talk directly with someone at the Secretariat (for more complex issues): UPOriceve
  • Assistance/services for students with physical/learning disabilities: UPOrisponde
  • For careers guidance and information on job placements and internships:

A complete list of contacts can be found here.



DiSEI and Erasmus partnerships

  • Belgium: Vives (Kortrijk), Mons
  • Czech Republic: VSEM (Prague)
  • Denmark: VIA University (Horsens)
  • France: Lille 1, Savoy
  • Germany: Regensburg, Trier
  • Latvia: Banku (Riga)
  • Greece: Pireaus (Egaleo), Kavala
  • Lithuania: Kaunas
  • Malta: Msida
  • Portugal: Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Leiria, Tomar, Viseu
  • Spain: Central de Cataluna (Barcelona), Girona, Malaga, Jaén, La Laguna (Tenerife), "Pablo de Olavide" (Seville), Santiago de Compostela
  • Hungary: Sopron.


Course Quality Assurance

Last modified 24 June 2024