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Single Cycle Master’s Degree Initial Evaluation Test


Single Cycle Master’s Degree in Law - DISEI

A.Y. 2023/2024


To be admitted to the single-cycle master's degree course in Law at the Department of Economics and Business Studies, you must have a secondary school diploma obtained in Italy or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the University in compliance with international agreements.

The course is open access; however, in compliance with Ministerial Decree 270/2004, enrolled students must take an initial skills assessment test (hereinafter ISA test).


The ISA test is aimed at ascertaining specific basic skills that allow attendance of the course. If these skills are not adequate, the Course Council assigns remedial obligations to be fulfilled in the first year of the course.

For A.Y. 2023/2024, the ISA test is implemented according to the following rules.

Assessment of English language skill takes place via methods prepared by the University (Section 6 of these Regulations).


1. Compulsory initial skills assessment test (ISA test)

The VPI test is mandatory for all those who enrol on the course and who are not exempt.

Students must register for the test using the infobox platform, according to the deadlines and methods communicated to them by the teaching support office.

For the A.Y. 2023/2024 the ISA test consists of a written test to verify a basic grounding in general culture and text comprehension. The test consists of two parts. The first consists of 20 closed-ended questions (out of three options); the second consists of a short text to be summarised, and of a proposition broken down into its essential elements that will have to be reassembled. The first part of the test is worth up to 20 points (1 point for each correct answer); the second part of the test assigns up to 10 points (up to 5 points for the summary of the text; up to 5 points for restructuring of the clause). The test is considered passed when at least 20 total points are achieved.

Students who do not achieve 20 points in the test are assigned remedial obligations to be fulfilled within the first year of the course. The achievement of such credits is possible only according to the methods described in Section 3.


2. Topics and duration of the ISA test

The first part of the test deals with history, geography, literature, and civic education.

The text to be summarised is taken from a national daily newspaper.

The proposition that will have to be recomposed is taken from a current regulatory provision

The test has a total duration of 80 minutes. 


3. Remedial credit achievement methods

To achieve the remedial credits, the Department organises a 16-hour course, which will take place in January/February.

The course is aimed at providing training in analysis of written texts with particular regard to the structure of regulatory texts.

To achieve the remedial credits, students will have to attend at least 90% of the course and pass a final written test which will consist in the analysis of a regulatory text. The written test will last 60 minutes.


Students who do not complete the remedial work assigned to them within the academic year will be automatically enrolled in the first year and will not be able to take exams in the second year of the course. In case of achievement of the remedial credits by April 2025, the student will be immediately enrolled in the second year. In the event of non-achievement by that date, the student will remain officially enrolled in the first year and will not be able to take second-year exams (until the remedial credits are achieved).



4. Exemption from ISA test and remedial credits

The following are exempt from the obligation to take the ISA test:

Students who submit an application for transfer/passage to the course and who have been recognised as having passed a Constitutional Law or Private Law exam for at least 9 academic credits.

Students who have already graduated in other disciplines.


5. Foreign students

Students in possession of a foreign qualification must take the test, even in the case of partial recognition of the foreign academic qualification, subject to passing/exemption from the required Italian language test. The Course Council reserves the right to instruct these students to attend the Italian language courses offered by CLUPO, assigning the latter the task of verifying their levels of improvement. There is no test for ERASMUS students.

6. Assessment of initial English language skills

Assessment of initial English language skills, for the A.Y. 2023/2024, will be carried out for all University degree courses according to the methods and deadlines indicated by the University itself.


Last modified 1 September 2023