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Management and Finance - MEF 22/23

Course Type Master’s degree

Academic year 2022/23

Membership structure

Type of course and title:

Master’s degree – LM 77 – Business Economics


Skills Assessment Test
Access to the Master’s degree in Management and Finance involves passing a Skills Assessment Test. Details on the dates of the test, registration procedures, any exemptions, and Test syllabus, can be found at the following page.

Please remember that it is possible to take the test also before completing the Bachelor’s final exam. The admission test for the Finance programme will be entirely in English.

Location: Novara

Brief overview of course:

The training path that characterises the master's degree course in Management and Finance is based on the consideration that the management of financial resources and policies of marketing and management of industrial operations assume strategic importance for the competitiveness of modern organisations, whether large or small in size. In this perspective and through two curricula - Finance, and Marketing and Operations Management - the master's degree course in Management and Finance aims to provide the most advanced specialist skills to train professionals in two areas of management. The Finance area focuses on the management of financial resources, both in the management of non-financial companies and in the management of financial and insurance activities. The second, Marketing and Operations Management, aims to provide the tools for defining business strategies aimed at acquiring and maintaining a competitive advantage in the long term. Students will develop the skills necessary for correct application of processes, and for the design and implementation of appropriate marketing and sales policies. To this end, the master's degree programme in Management and Finance aims to combine a practical-operational approach with an overview and attention to the evolution of internal and external scenarios of the company.

Educational goals:

The Master's Degree Course in Management and Finance represents a natural continuation of the three-year degree course in 'Business Economics' at the University of Eastern Piedmont and similar courses provided in other universities.

The programme is specifically aimed at satisfying training needs connected with business activities in the fields of finance, logistics, marketing, sales, planning and management of intra and inter-organisational networks, organisation of production and administration, in strategic consulting, in research and development, in the sectors of industry and services in a broad sense, and banking.

The master's degree programme aims to provide students with advanced training, developing the ability to analyse, manage and develop tangible and intangible resources of economic organisations, in the perspective of globalisation of the competitive context in which the financial, industrial and service sectors operate. To this end, the master's degree programme in Management and Finance aims to provide students with the tools to develop an organic vision of the company and the economic system in which the company operates. In addition, the course stimulates the intellectual and ethical growth of the student with a view to creating professional leadership figures for the organisation in which they operate.

By the end of the Management and Finance Master’s degree programme, students must:

  • hold a solid grasp of methodologies and quantitative tools, political economy and business management, with particular regard to methodologies and tools for evaluating investments, operations management and marketing policies
  • have learnt to apply these methods to analysis of production processes and business management, according to different forecast scenarios; therefore, the ability to determine the growth potential of the companies themselves over the medium and long term
  • know the internal processes and dynamics of companies, the criticalities and opportunities associated with management of operations and coordination of functions, in particular those of commercial and marketing, logistics and production
  • apply the analytical method to solve managerial problems related to the creation, production and distribution of products and services
  • develop the skills required in the fields of supply chain management, queuing theory, purchasing management, project management and development of new products
  • be aware of existing opportunities for companies in the field of environmental management and control, and humanitarian logistics
  • know and be able to identify opportunities related to the use of digital networks and platforms
  • have developed the ability to build quantitative analysis models of "big data", to support the formulation of marketing and distribution strategies in an "omnichannel" perspective
  • know the marketing theories and tools, and possess the ability to use them strategically; know how to analyse and interpret consumer behaviour in interactions with the company and the economic environment ("customer journey")
  • have the necessary knowledge to plan and carry out complex financial transactions, which require the possession of skills in multiple disciplinary areas and the ability to integrate them with a systemic approach
  • possess a solid knowledge of the products and services offered by banks and other financial intermediaries, with reference to both the technical-contractual profiles and economic-financial profiles necessary for evaluating comparative convenience
  • have developed an understanding of the organisational and operational characteristics of the markets and financial instruments available to finance companies, and for the management of related financial risks and market portfolios
  • know the main quantitative models for the measurement, management and hedging of financial risks, the evaluation of structured financial products and derivatives and their use from an asset allocation perspective
  • understand the role and importance of financial market regulation also for the protection of investors
  • be able to use the English language fluently, in written and oral form, also with reference to disciplinary lexicons.

Career opportunities:

The technical skills and know-how acquired by graduates of the Master’s degree in Management and Finance allow them to take up high-level professional roles in various types of company or freelance activity in different fields of business management.

Below are some of the main employment opportunities for Master’s graduates in Management and Finance:

  • financial intermediaries (commercial banks, investment banks, asset management companies, securities firms, insurance companies, companies active in the private equity and venture capital sectors), including both those of a traditional matrix and those referable to the world of FinTech and InsurTech
  • other financial companies not pertaining to the institutional models of banking, rating companies, foundations (banking or non-banking), pension funds
  • industrial, commercial and service companies, including public utility and cultural services, with particular reference to the following functions: finance and treasury, risk management, marketing and sales, logistics, information systems, design and processing of databases, research and development
  • business and / or strategic consulting firms
  • public administration

Regarding freelance activity, there is particular focus on financial and insurance consultancy private banking and business and/or strategic consultancy.
The Master’s degree of Management and Finance supplies the necessary preparation to apply for doctoral studies in Management, Economics & Finance; another opportunity is offered by second-level specialisation courses.

Languages used for teaching: Italian, English

Possibility of an international experience at Stevens Institute of Technology (USA)

Collegiate body:

Course Council

Chair of collegiate body:

Prof. Gianluca Fusai


Profs. Alessia Amighini, Vincenzo Capizzi, Kwo Lik Chan, Gianluca Fusai, Paolo Ghinetti, Lucrezia Songini, Mario Valletta

QA Team:

Profs. Gianluca Fusai, Anna Menozzi, Mario Valletta, Dott.ssa Barbara Rosetta


Profs. Anna Menozzi, Paola Zocchi


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Last modified 22 December 2023