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Tourism Marketing and Management - TUR 22/23

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2022/23

Membership structure

Type of course


Course title

L-15 – Tourism Studies


Open. There is a compulsory non-selective test to assess your initial skills.



Brief overview of course

The degree course aims to transmit knowledge and skills to interpret and represent tourism phenomena and to evaluate their effects on economic, socio-cultural and natural environments; it is aimed at developing skills related to the use of key IT and telematic tools for the promotion and organization of activities, as well as to foster an in-depth cultural background with knowledge of the territorial context in relation to institutional and managerial elements.

Educational goals

The degree course is designed to respond to the rapidly changing demands in the tourism sector, as well as to contribute to raising the general level of professionalisation and university training. Students enrolled in this course must:

  • possess good knowledge of the basic economic, geographical, anthropological and sociological disciplines, as well as of the cultural and legal subjects relating to the sectoral interdependencies of the tourism market
  • possess a good command of methods of social and economic research, and of at least part of the specific techniques of various sectors, with skills relating to the measurement, detection and processing of data relating to social analysis
  • possess an adequate knowledge of the organisational culture of work contexts, which ensures application skills and enables them to operate in a multipurpose manner in companies and administrations active in the sector
  • acquire the disciplinary methods in the techniques of marketing and use of cultural assets and activities
  • be able to apply the specific knowledge acquired in the more general cultural, economic and social context, be it at local, national or supranational level
  • be able to effectively use, in written and oral form, at least two languages of the European Union in addition to Italian, in the specific area of competence and for the exchange of general information
  • possess the necessary skills and tools suitable for communication and management of information

Specifically, the degree course in Tourism Marketing and Management is designed to provide the skills and knowledge necessary to:

  • know how to interpret and represent tourism phenomena, the constraints and opportunities offered by the territories where activities can be established, as well as the effects that the same activities have on the economic, socio-cultural and natural environments
  • acquire in-depth knowledge of the tourism context of the region in which they are intended to operate, with particular reference to the cultural destinations, accommodation organisation, and the institutional and management structure of the territory
  • know how to use key IT and telematic tools for marketing of tourist activities, for the organisation of trips and routes, for the organisation of the territory on which these activities are established
  • acquire the appropriate skills for the organisation and management of scientific, cultural and sporting events at local, national and international levels
  • possess adequate knowledge and tools for the communication and management of information

Employment opportunities

Coordination of activity and management of relationships with partners, in incoming and outgoing sectors.

Professional tourism activity: promoter and agent of local tourism, planning and management of tourism regions, management of tourism service agencies, tour operator, international tour guide, conference and public event organisation.

Languages used for teaching


Collegiate body

Course Council

Chair of collegiate body

Prof. Carla Ferrario


Profs. Gaudenzio Albertinazzi, Cesare Emanuel, Carla Ferrario, Anna Chiara Invernizzi, Caterina May, Rossana Pennazio, Elisa Piva, Davide Porporato, Claudio Rosso, Gianfranco Spinelli

QA Team

Profs. Clementina Bruno, Carla Ferrario, Anna Chiara Invernizzi, Gianfranco Spinelli, Dr. Barbara Rosetta


Profs. Gianfranco Spinelli, Carla Ferrario, Clementina Bruno, Stefania Cerutti, Cesare Emanuel, Anna Chiara Invernizzi


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Last modified 22 December 2023